Looking at my life before and after I came to the A.N.D. Movement, I can see a huge difference. Before I came to the A.N.D Movement, I had a tunnel vision. I did not have any sense of direction. I have no self-control. I was selfish, irresponsible, unaccountable, etc. I’ve never like to think outside the box or place myself in others’ shoes.
My thought process was very negative. However, when I came to the A.N.D. Movement, I begin to look at life in a very different perspective. I start to replace my negative thoughts to positive. I became more receptive to corrections, and live more responsibly. It was a challenge for me to change; however, now, looking at my life, I am very pleased so far with myself.
The A.N.D. Movement is a life changing movement. It helps develop good character and maintain good behaviors. It challenges participants with proper tools to deal with life on life’s terms. It stirs gifts which might have lie dormant for years inside participants, and it prepares participants to get back to society with a very positive mindset.
The A.N.D Core Values are the most important thing in the whole movement because they lay out a basic code of conduct how participants must govern themselves.